Symposium – How to tackle antibiotic resistance in Switzerland and worldwide?
The discovery and development of antibiotics is one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. However, bacteria can develop resistance to existing treatments, making it more difficult to treat infections effectively. Antibiotic resistance is on the rise: in 2019 alone, 1.27 million people worldwide died from infections linked to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. One in five deaths occurred in children under the age of five.
Switzerland is no exception. It is estimated that around 300 people die every year from drug-resistant infections in Switzerland. Relative to the size of its population, Switzerland appears to be more affected than the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries. This “silent” pandemic is already the subject of the Federal Council’s Antibiotic Resistance Strategy (StaR), which aims to guarantee the long-term efficacy of antibiotics in humans and animals. In addition, the Epidemics Act (LEp) of 2012, is currently being revised.
GARDP and Santé publique Suisse invite you to a symposium to review the state of antibiotic resistance worldwide, progress made to date and challenges ahead. Speakers will discuss measures to intensify efforts to effectively combat the growing pandemic of resistant infections.